Unfortunately it didn't really work- it might be because of the chrome extension I use that overrides my chrome? Not sure, but it was still pretty cool
This game doesn't work for me it found nothing No games,No browser history nothing literally nothing this game don't work update it LLL (Low Level Lemmy) o and i have Brave browser
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well it find out that i use blender, but no browser history(
He isn't saying anything even thou I waited till the music was over.
Cool concept but the game seems to be broken.
Pov: you're on the way to heaven but god checks on this game...
it's broken
he does'nt say anything
same here
He roasted me for still playing pubg :(
he roasted me for playing tf 2 :<
Unfortunately it didn't really work- it might be because of the chrome extension I use that overrides my chrome? Not sure, but it was still pretty cool
i pressed play now what lol
Mantis only picked up that I use VR, but nothing about my browser history. The stats page is also completely blank. Also, yes, I do use chrome.
It found that I played destiny 2.
it only picked up on vr which was weird because i have all my games and browser on the same drive, plus i only use chrome..
Browser history did not worked for people and i have it same.
I use Opera GX
it will not work for me
It’s chrome only
i know
did not expect that
but anyway i found nothing on the browser search thing
so it was just "you like tf2" and then nothing else
This game doesn't work for me it found nothing No games,No browser history nothing literally nothing this game don't work update it LLL (Low Level Lemmy) o and i have Brave browser
yo it needs brave or chrome, even then it still does not work
I watched it and dont get angry about a comment on itch.io
lmao he didn't found any game or history.
i just use opera gx and all my games are on drive D.
this game WORKS!!! too well
Liar liar pants on fire
It just floats around and the only sound I hear is the back round music of the opera
It didnt do anything it just floats around
yo i loooked at the source code and it says e631 and not e621
How do I launch the game on chrome?
you can't, it's download only.
game not working for me
just staring at the gou moving
yes I did escape Ravenholm
"your browser history is clean, too clean"
yes because i use Opera GX XD
I have everything in my C: drive but it only picked up my steam games
if you are deaf or u didnt watch the yt video then i guess ur gonna complain about it
how do you change the got damn uhhhhhh
the uhhhhhh
search code stuff
It sadly didn't pick anything up. Dunno why history, but I think it didn't pick any games up, since they're not on the C drive.
only game that the guy detected was csgo 😭
he got literally nothing. no games, no history, no nothing
next time account for different drives and different installation directories B)
all he got was my steam games bruh 💀💀
do you have chrome?
no i use brave
It only reads chrome history 💀
if it got brave too, i would be in a very sticky situation
it didnt work
do u have google?
didn't pick up anything lmfao
do u have google chrome?
it's not working lol
watch the yt vid first then complain about it
i watched it
Rlly cool but only reads ur history when ur on chrome.
Didnt even read my history
Is it supposed to just kinda... float? And nothing else?
he doesn't do anything except flout there as the music goes out
bruh he guessed everything wrong
anyone know how to make this work for chromebook